The Pixel Perfection Resource Pack for Minecraft will add rich, detailed textures to your game, taking your experience to an entirely new and vibrant level without losing any of Minecraft's original charm.
TempusPvP is a competitive Minecraft server that thrives on and generates a unique experience for players. We create content related to PvP to keep users acti. Economy Faction MCMMO PvP Vanilla 1.8.8 1.8.7 1.14.4. As its name suggests, Zoom Mod is a useful mod that provides Minecraft players with a new zoom feature. You now can zoom in to see any point far away properly.
Resource packs for Minecraft are created with the intention of altering the game’s original graphics in some form or another to change the appearance and enhance them to a user’s liking. One thing many people may find is that they dislike how very un-Minecraft their game feels once they’ve installed a pack, but they have no need to worry about that with the Pixel Perfection Resource Pack by X S Sheep and rather than stray from the game’s default look in preference for a different style, this resource pack is intended to enrich the game’s charming 16-bit graphics.
The most prominent difference lies in the unprecedented sharpness that is an undeniable upgrade from the default graphics. This cut adds a revitalized freshness to the entire game, and it’ll be like looking at your world through a new pair of eyes. The pixels are all crisper, making each and every block fit even more seamlessly together and establishing an admirable and calming congruence throughout the entire map.
The Pixel Perfection Resource Pack takes advantage of some of the features exclusive to the MCPatcher + Optifine such as custom colors, special biome colors and lightmaps. While it isn’t necessary, the creator does recommend using the patcher to get the most out of the resource pack and bring your game to an optimal level of, as the name implies, pixel perfection.
- Easy-to-install resource pack that will revamp your game's graphics.
- Hi-def mod that adds vibrancy and detail to every aspect of Minecraft.
- Offers optional fantasy tree add-on for mystical atmosphere.
- Offers an optional enhanced grass and leaves add-on that fits well with the style.
- Enlivens world with more vibrant colors without taking away from Minecraft's traditional style.
- Up-to-date and compatible with most recent versions of the game.
In Short:
For anyone who has been looking for a resource pack that will enhance their game without changing it too much, who appreciates a simple but noticeable and sharp style, the Pixel Perfection Resoource Pack for Minecraft is unquestionably one of the best out there. Within it's simpleness lies a vibrancy that is sure to enrich your game.
How to install:

- Please make sure you have Minecraft Forge installed.
- Download your version of the Pixel Perfection Resource Pack from below.
- Find the minecraft application folder.
- Windows: Open the Start Menu and go to Run. Type %appdata% and click Run.
- Mac: Open finder. While holding down ALT, click Go. Then on Library in the top menu bar. Now open the folder 'Application Support' and look for minecraft.
- Open the 'mods' folder.
- Put the downloaded file (.jar file) into the mods folder.
- Now start Minecraft. Click the mods button.
- Congatulations! You should now see your brand new installed mod.
Downloads for Pixel Perfection Resource Pack 1.7.10, 1.7.2, 1.6.4
This is another page dedicated to Minecraft village seeds. All of these Minecraft seeds will work with the 1.8.7 PC version. Most Minecraft seeds work on all versions 1.7+, but not 100% of the time. All the villages on this village seed list have been tested to see if they work for the 1.8.7 Minecraft PC version.
Minecraft villages in 1.8.7 haven't changed at all from the previous versions. Minecraft 1.8.5 - 1.8.7 were server security updates for the most part. Some villages from 1.7 - 1.7.10 might not work on 1.8+ but they very often work anyway.
Minecraft 1.8.7 village seeds by date
1.8.7 Cool 1.8.7 village seed with two temples and 6 diamonds
This is one of the best Minecraft seeds of 1.8.7 with two villages and two temples. There are also six diamonds, one saddle, and a diamond horse armor in one of the temples. Players can also find a variety of enchanting books in the other neat Minecraft temple.
This is one of the coolest Minecraft 1.8.7 village seeds. Players will really enjoy how close the first village is to the starting point. On top of that, this cool Minecraft 1.8.7 seed has animals littered all around that first village. This is a great place to have a relaxing start to any survival game. Definitely one of the coolest Minecraft village seeds out there.
1.8.7 Village seed with mountain background and oceanside view
Here's another fun 1.8.7 Minecraft village seed to try out. This one puts players next to a cave with some animals. It's a neat start, but off in the distance is a village that's pinched between a mountain and an ocean. It's a pretty unique setup for a village.
Players can easily extend out in the mountains or travel out to sea in search of ocean monument gold. There are plenty of choices of where to go from here on this village seed.
The village is actually pretty huge. There's a butcher in this village, and even a blacksmith. Unfortunately for everyone, the blacksmith only has apples and an iron chestplate. The chestplate is nice for exploration, but sadly there's nothing more than that. Even then this is still a pretty cool looking 1.8.7 Minecraft seed to try out. There are tons of fun adventures to find in this epic village seed.
1.8.7 Awesome double village seed 1.8.7 with two temples as well
Here's another awesome 1.8.7 village seed for Minecraft with two villages and two temples. There's a really wide river flowing next to the temple, which is really neat. Players can find all sorts of goodies in the temple, and then come back and use them near the villages. There are a lot of fun adventures to have with these two Minecraft villages.
The first of the two villages can be found really close to the spawn. There are a lot of biomes converging right by this first village, including savanna and desert. This first village is actually pretty massive.
As for the temples, they're off a little ways into the desert, but not too far. These 1.8.7 temples have 3 diamonds and a saddle, which is a great start. Three diamonds are enough to make a diamond pickaxe, which can be used to mine obsidian. Obsidian can be used to make nether portals, making this one of the greatest 1.8.7 nether seeds for Minecraft.
1.8.7 Cool Minecraft village seed with big blacksmith and +6 attack damage sword
This 1.8.7 Minecraft village seed has a really cool blacksmith in an even cooler village. The blacksmith is really tall, and contains two diamonds, a +6 attack damage sword, an iron helmet, and more.
The village is pretty near to the start, but is to the north east. There's a wheat farm there, so players don't have to worry about food. There are deserts and savanna nearby to explore. The village near the start isn't the only village nearby, it's only the closest of many. This 1.8.7 village makes for a really awesome Minecraft seed.
1.8.7 Cool Minecraft village seed with caves and mountains
Here's another village seed for having fun. This cool Minecraft 1.8.7 seed has a really big village with another really tall blacksmith for some reason. The blacksmith has an iron sword, and some other minor items to collect.
There are some really neat natural caves right near the village. Players can also find a mountain biome nearby. There are plenty of giant mushrooms to use for food if players get desperate. The roofed forest biome has plenty of wood to use. Players have plenty of resources to use and discover on this cool Minecraft seed.
1.8.7 Cave village seed with two big houses
Minecraft 1.8 7 Texture Packs Pvp
This Minecraft 1.8.7 village seed is much less social than the others. There are only two giant Minecraft houses, one of which looks extra cool.
Minecraft 1.8.7 Mods
There's actually a private cave system under the well. This is basically a 1.8.7 luxury Minecraft manor for a king. This village seed is a little lonely feeling, but that's also kind of what makes it appealing.
Minecraft 1.8.7 Servers
There's also a big mountain beside the village, so it's kind of like a mountain village seed too. There are plenty of different biomes all around the village to choose an adventure from. Also there are plenty of sheep near the start of this awesome Minecraft seed.