Vray Rhino

Class Details & Description

This video walks-through the workflow of producing a clay rendering in V-Ray for Rhino. A clay rendering is a scene that is rendered in a single generic material. In a typical rendering workflow it's often helpful to first develop a clay rendering to compose the scene, setup lighting, and calibrate camera settings.

  1. In V-Ray it is now possible to access the underlying scene plugins via the Rhino script tools. A script access manual is provided with the installation of V-Ray. It can be found at the V-Ray for Rhino root folder C: Program Files Chaos Group V-Ray V-Ray for Rhinoceros VRayForRhinoObjectModel.html. To use the V-Ray for Rhino wrapper module, add.
  2. By default, a V-Ray texture is applied by Rhino using the 'Surface' mapping, so that it appears to have the same size it would have in the real world (so a 500x500 pixel image with a 96dpi resolution will be 5.2' square when applied to the model), regardless of the model dimensions. However, you can (and usually should) override this behavior.
  3. Also remember that Rhino Sun and Vray sun are not the same thing, although Vray can make use of the Rhino sun. Also, if you delete or disable the vray sun then vray will use the default Rhino lighting in the scene. Check how many suns are in your scene under the lighting tab and disable the rhino sun.


Working knowledge of Windows OS and basic knowledge of Rhino


In-Person & Live Online Training Duration: 24 hours & Valid for 24 AIA LU
OnDemand Training: Not applicable for AIA LU
Custom Training: Hours & AIA LU Varies


This course introduces you to the essentials of V-Ray for Rhino covering several topics that are indispensable for enhancing architectural design.


UI & VFB: The lessons in this category provide an overview of V-Ray’s components, what they do, and where to find them in the interface; User Interface – A guide to the most commonly used V-Ray components; Frame Buffer – What the V-Ray Frame Buffer is, and its most useful feature; History setup, region rendering, color correction; V-ray Toolbar; Asset Editor – Main Panel, Material Library, and Advanced Settings

RENDER MODE: Interactive Rendering; Progressive Rendering; Bucket Rendering

SAMPLING: Sampling – An in-depth explanation of how to optimize antialiasing and render times.

LIGHTING: V-Ray Light – The most commonly used settings of the V-Ray Light.; V-Ray Ambient Light – An overview of the settings of the V-Ray Ambient Light; V-Ray Dome Light – The workflow to generate Image Based Lighting with the V-Ray Dome Light; V-Ray IES Light – How light profiles and V-Ray’s IES light can create realistic lighting; V-Ray Sun and Sky System – Set up day time illumination with the V-Ray’s Sun and Sky system.

Vray rhino 5

GLOBAL ILLUMINATION: GI Introduction. The theory of tracing global illumination, and the technical differences between the different GI Engines in V-Ray; GI for Exterior Scenes – The workflow for setting up GI for Exterior Scenes; GI for Interior Scenes – The workflow for setting up GI for Interior Scenes; Caustics – How to generate sharp photon mapped caustics; GI for Fly-Through Animations – Optimize the rendering of fly-through animations.

Vray RhinoRhino

CAMERA: Physical Camera – Physical Camera settings, and how they affect the exposure of the rendered image; Physical Camera: Motion Blur and Depth of Field – How to use Motion Blur and Depth of Field effects, and how to balance the exposure of the rendered image.

SHADING: V-Ray Material – V-Ray material settings, and how to use them to simulate a wide range of real world materials; V-Ray SSS Materials – V-Ray FastSSS2 and V-Ray Skin materials, and how to use them to create translucent or sub-surface scattering materials; V-Ray 2-Sided Material – V-Ray 2-Sided material, and how to use it to create thin translucent materials such as fabric or paper; V-Ray Blend and Bump Materials – How to create more complex materials; Random Color Techniques – How the V-Ray Multi Sub texture and the V-Ray User Color node can generate random colors in a shading network.

VOLUMETRICS: V-Ray Aerial Perspective and V-Ray Environment Fog atmospheric effects in an exterior scene

DYNAMIC GEOMETRY: V-Ray Displacement – Adding fine detail to scenes with the V-Ray Displacement Modifier; V-Ray Proxy – Optimize high poly count scenes with V-Ray’s Proxy geometry; V-Ray Instancer – Instance multiple V-Ray Proxy geometries with the help of a ParticleFlow system and the V-Ray Instancer helper; V-Ray Fur – Generate realistic grass with V-Ray Fur.

RENDER ELEMENTS: V-Ray Render Elements – How to split the rendered image into render elements and combining them in compositing.

Vray Rhino Materials

GRASSHOPPER: Geometry – Simple, Vrmesh, Vrscene, Vrplane, and Instance; Materials – Preset, Simple, From File, and From Project; Lighting – Dome, Sun, Simple, and Additional Lights; Rendering – Modes, Rendering Grasshopper, Render in project, Export vrscene

Vray Rhino Mac

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