Autodesk Navisworks Viewer

Autodesk Navisworks is a comprehensive project review solution that supports 5D simulation, coordination, analysis, and communication of design intent and constructability. Multidisciplinary design data created in a broad range of Building Information Modeling (BIM), digital prototype, and process plant design applications can be combined into a single, integrated project model. Comprehensive schedule, quantification, cost, animation, and visualization capabilities assist users in demonstrating design intent and simulating construction, helping to improve insight and predictability. Real-time navigation combines with a review toolset to support collaboration among the project team. Entire project models can be published and viewed in NWD and DWF file formats to provide valuable digital assets from design through construction. Interference management tools help design and construction professionals anticipate and avoid potential problems before construction begins, minimizing expensive delays and rework (available in Autodesk Navisworks Manage only). Entire project models can be published and freely viewed using Autodesk Navisworks Freedom software.

Autodesk Navisworks Viewer

Autodesk Navisworks Freedom software is the free viewer for NWD and DWF file formats. Use Navisworks Freedom to extend the whole-project view to all project stakeholders, helping to improve communication and collaboration. Multidisciplinary models created in a broad range of applications - including information from Building Information Modeling (BIM), digital prototypes, and process plant design - can be combined into a single integrated project model and published into the NWD format using Autodesk Navisworks Simulate or Autodesk Navisworks Manage software. The published file provides access to model hierarchy, object properties, and embedded review data, including viewpoints, animations, redlines, and comments.

The saved viewpoints of Navisworks enables you to manage different views of your model so that you can jump to preset viewpoints without having to navigate each time to reach an item. In the past, Forge Model Derivative API did not translate these information, so we had to dump the information by Navisworks API in plugin to a dataset (xml whatever), then load them and convert to the camera objects of Forge Viewer.

Now, Model Derivative API has translated the data of saved viewpoints, and Forge Viewer provides the APIs to get those presets cameras. They are stored at:

Autodesk Navisworks Viewer

Then, you can switch current view to that of the predefined saved viewpoint:

May 23, 2011 is there a free viewer for NWD files. Can someone tell me if there is a program out there that will allow me to view Navisworks (NWD) files? Looking for a free viewer program. Solved by DarrenP. Navisworks is a 3D model review software for architecture, engineering, and construction. Buy a Navisworks subscription from the Autodesk store or a reseller. provides the panel of saved viewpoints category, yet under Sheet category.

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