Export Layout To Model In Autocad 2014

Anyone know any tricks to get a sheet to export into DWG model space?
We have engineers using Autocad who reference a common project title block. Architects in revit maintain information in the revit model. Our sheets are right, but we have to remember to update the DWG file for the engineers. I was looking for a way to make a stripped-down title block to export to DWG for engineers and consultants to use as a titleblock base, but Revit saves sheets to paperspace, so the xref won't work. I haven't figured out how to get project parameters to show up in a legend view either, or that might work...
any ideas?

Does anybody know of a way to export or save a layout tab as a drawing file? We are required to do this for a number of our clients and when you have a drawing with 20-30 layout tabs it gets time consuming to do a saveas on each tab and then open up each drawing and then delete the unnecessary tabs and layers and then purge and re-save the file.


  1. I need to export a layout to a new model -as a new drawing. I did ths after bind all the X-ref files and expolde them all then with 'Export layout to new model' command from the right click menu on Layout tab. But the file is slightly big, the file has more than about 105 layout, the AutoCAD ge.
  2. Export from Layout 2014 to.dwg (Copied from recently retired Google Forum) I have been all over and can’t seem to find this problem listed anywhere. I have seven pages of drawings in Layout. I have converted everything to Vector. I choose export to dwg/dxf. (I’ve tried all the obvious settings, paper vs. Model space, etc.) I click “export” and the dialogue box never.
  3. Batch export layout to model. We currently have a large amount of AutoCAD drawings we created in layout with viewports and the client at the end of the job wants them all turned into model space. I know I can export from layout to model one at a time, does anyone know of a batch program, lisp or script that I can run to batch all of them in to.
  4. In most industries, model space plotting went the way of the dodo 20 years ago. Paper space gives you many additional options in AutoCAD for controlling the look of the output without having to modify the underlying geometry. So most of the time, you plot a paper space layout instead. Paper space is the environment.

When exporting AutoCAD drawings the model and all the layout spaces are exported and that is not always needed.


If only specific spaces are supposed to be printed you have to specify this in your script file. To be precise in the -OnExport parameter of the Export-Document cmdlet. In the attached sample script you can see one possible way to do this.

The function GetAutoCADOnExport determines which spaces should be excluded in the exported file. This can be configured in the following variables that are passed to the function as parameters:

The function is called and the result is saved in the $OnExport variable:

Afterwards when exporting the file the $OnExport variable needs to be passed in the -OnExport parameter:



More about the -OnExport parameter

Export layout to model autocad

Export Layout To Model In Autocad 2014 64-bit

More about Pdf export settings