For a game like UEBS and its unique premise, it’s hardly surprising that the community contributed ideas that enhanced the vision Weaver presented himself. One such internet-friendly addition. 50 Games Like Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator. Totally Accurate Battle Simulator., Hyper Knights: Battles, and Just Die Already are our top selection to play today. The latest addition in this selection are Egg of Empire released the 4 July 2021 and ranked #5, Brytag Studio released the 19 June 2021 and ranked #30, Life In Planet released the 11.
Nowadays dozen of games appear every day, and not each of them becomes a hit. Today one of the most expected games is Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator(UEBS), where you can fight with enormous number of rivals, and you can do it any time you want. The point is that this game isn’t completed by the moment. So to say, you may buy it, but there are still some drawbacks, and the developer promises to add new details frequently. The Steam says that while it is on the development stage, you may even get a discount while purchasing the Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator.
The graphics is totally accurate, and you may see every detail that is depicted. What is the most remarkable: you may create your own army according your tastes. You have a complete freedom in choosing your heroes, and you will see not only typical warriors, but other interesting characters. For instance, have you heard that Chuck Norris is capable of defeating anyone? If you want to check his ability to kill rivals, you may choose him, but beware of the fact that he won’t be face-to-face with the enemy, because there will be big quantity of them, anyway. Of you want, you may even choose a turtle, but it won’t be a little one that lives in human houses; it will be extremely big, and it may kill even a thousand of rivals.
If you like medieval history, you may ask fearless knights to perform a battle that was possible during their lives. This is so cool, and you will never find a similar game with such a great quantity of knights at the same time. If you prefer usual sceneries, you may invite usual contemporary soldiers to the battle field, and the AI will make the incredible fight possible. What is the most interesting is that you may set the number of warriors, and it may be extremely big. Here everything depends on you, but it is very difficult to control huge waves of fighters, and you should plan the tactics beforehand. You should know what types of attacks are beat for small amount of characters, and what are preferable for huge armies. The best way to learn it is to try everything, and find your ideal tactics. Join the great community of Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator lovers, and share this game with your friends.
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