Ralink Rt2870 Usb Wifi Driver

Get the latest official Ralink WiFi USB Adapter N600 network adapter drivers for Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista and XP PCs. Update drivers with the largest database available. The first official driver fully working for RT2870 chipset for Yosemite 10.10 so far. Ralink RT2870 chipset USB Dongle wifi on 10.10 Yosemite -SOLVED.

  1. Ralink Rt2870 Usb Wifi Driver Free
  2. Ralink Rt2870 Usb Wifi Driver
  3. Ralink Rt2870 Usb Wifi Adapter
I bought an Asus Wireles USB adapter (Wireless-N300, USB-N14) wich has drivers for Windows, Mac and Linux (on CD).
Ralink rt2870 usb wifi driversThe driver for Linux is the RT2870 Wireless Lan Linux Driver from Ralink Tech Inc.
On my Windows 7 os on my pc the installation of the driver was one click and the adpater works perfect.
The driver installation on my Linux Mint 17.1 os failed.
I followed the instructions in the READ ME file, but during some mistakes appeared.
In the instructions in the READ ME file are some instruction wich I don't understand.
2> In Makefile
set the 'MODE = STA' in Makefile and chose the TARGET to Linux by set 'TARGET = LINUX'
define the linux kernel source include file path LINUX_SRC
modify to meet your need.

The MODE and TARGET were already set right.
But to define the linux kernel source include file path LINUX_SRC is beyond my knowledge, so I didn't change it.
I also don't know what to do with the insructions:
3> In os/linux/config.mk
define the GCC and LD of the target machine
define the compiler flags CFLAGS
modify to meet your need.
** Build for being controlled by NetworkManager or wpa_supplicant wext functions
=> #>cd wpa_supplicant-x.x
=> #>./wpa_supplicant -Dwext -ira0 -c wpa_supplicant.conf -d
** Build for being controlled by WpaSupplicant with Ralink Driver
=> #>cd wpa_supplicant-0.5.7
=> #>./wpa_supplicant -Dralink -ira0 -c wpa_supplicant.conf -d
I looked in the config.mk file but I don't know what GCC and LD of the target machine Is.
Ralink Rt2870 Usb Wifi DriverAnd how do I define the compiler flags CFLAGS?
The instructions => #> are what?
Linux is great, Mint is better, but Driver suppliers still think it's only for nerds.
I hope someone can help me.