Finale 2014

Finale 2014

Finale 2014.5 is Here! UPDATE: The latest version of Finale is version 26. Learn more here. Finale 2014.5, a free-of-charge upgrade for all Finale 2014 owners, is now available. To get 2014.5, launch Finale 2014 on your computer, then: On Windows, navigate to Help Check for Update. On Mac, navigate to Finale 2014 Check for Update.

  1. Finale PrintMusic 2014 Notation Software Features: Easy-to-use notation and scoring software for Windows. Create and print sheet music, create audio and graphic files, Finale files, and MIDI and MusicXML files. Updated interface for a faster, more intuitive workflow. Manage how your staves look and play back with the handy Score Manager.
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A comprehensible and efficient software application designed to help you easily transcribe musical notes, allowing you to compose music in an advanced fashion

Finale PrintMusic is a handy application aimed at all those interested in learning music notation or in composing their own music. The software enables users to easily come up with advanced music sequences, thus being suitable for songwriters, students, or band leaders.

Getting started with writing down music is easy

The utility is easy-to-use, providing users with a Setup Wizard to get them started with a new project, which instantly configures pickup measures, time signatures, and other elements as well.

A series of templates to choose from makes it simple to write the notes in a preferred manner, and there are also different document styles to opt for, ensuring a personalized experience.

Users can also scan their existing music with SmartScore Lite, which is included in the package, or can import MusicXML and MIDI files.

Composed music can be played in real time

Finale PrintMusic enables users to listen to the notes they are adding to a song in real time, while also offering the possibility to playback composed sequences with a simple mouse click.

The software provides a great sound experience, allowing users to listen to their music as it would be performed by live musicians, or with harmonies added to it. A mixer enables fine-tuning of playback, and the application also allows users to save their music as an audio file.

Automatic instrument handling

The software features a series of instrument handling capabilities and can relate instruments to one another. Thus, it automatically rearranges group brackets for different families of instruments when the user adds more of them or changes existing ones.

With this application, users can insert tempos, dynamics, articulation and more to their songs. They can also add an unlimited number of verses or print their score.

In the end, Finale PrintMusic offers an extensive set of capabilities for songwriters and for all users interested in getting started with composing their own music. It comes with an intuitive Setup Wizard and with QuickStart Videos that make it easy-to-use even for those without experience in the field.

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Finale PrintMusic was reviewed by Ionut Arghire
  • 30 days trial
  • Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon, Intel i3 or AMD Athlon II X2 or above preferred
  • CD-ROM drive
  • Minimum 2GB RAM (4GB or more recommended for optional use of VST sounds: more RAM = more available sounds.)
  • 235 MB hard drive space required for software and user manual
New in Finale PrintMusic 25.4.1:
  • Get more done in less time:
  • Finale has always been recognized as the music notation software that can create anything. The new Finale simplifies the creation process in multiple ways.
  • While previous versions of Finale could create tall time signatures, like those seen at left, it admittedly took a few steps. Today it’s easy.
  • When entering notes into transposing staves, the new Finale plays the correctly transposed pitch both upon entry and playback.
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Finale 2014 Mac

Noteman says: See Working with staves and systems for a step-by-step tutorial overview of page layout.

Page layout depends on many elements and settings in your document. While you can control these settings on a staff-by-staff or system-by-system basis, it is recommended to define a page format that applies to the majority of the document prior to making these individual edits. This definition is controlled for the score in the Page Format for Score dialog box and for linked parts in the Page Format for Parts dialog box.

The initial layout of any document’s pages is determined by this definition. Changes you make to the page layout definition in these dialog boxes, however, don’t immediately affect existing pages—only pages yet to be created. Fortunately, it's easy to apply the changes to existing pages.

Once your overall page layout is defined, you can easily make formatting changes with the Page Layout tool , such as specifying how much music should fit on a page—how many measures per line, for example, or how many systems on a page. It’s important to realize that there are several elements affecting the amount of music on a page:

Horizontal layout

  • Music spacing. You can control the “tightness” of the spacing of the music itself with the Music Spacing command in conjunction with a Spacing Width library. The tighter the music, the more measures will fit on a line, and hence the more music will fit on the page.
  • Measure layout. You can lock measures into a particular system, which is especially useful when you’re fine-tuning a piece’s layout: avoiding an awkward page turn, forcing a key change to fall at the beginning of a system, and so on. While these adjustments may improve readability of a document, they may end up increasing the number of systems required.
  • Measure widths. Finale automatically determines the width of each measure, based on what's happening in each staff during the same measure. However, you can override this automatic calculation and specify exactly how much horizontal space you want each measure to take up in a system.

Vertical layout

  • Staff height and scaling. These properties of the staves themselves can significantly decrease or increase the amount of music that fits on a page. Note, however, that changing these values also changes the size of the notation itself; readability depends on the performer's distance from the sheet music and in most cases only a narrow range of staff height values is suitable.
  • Distance between staves. Look at the distance between staves in each system; if you decrease the total height of the system (by clicking the Staff tool and dragging the staves closer to each other), more systems fit on the page.
  • Distance between systems. If you’re trying to fit another system onto a page, the simplest solution is to slightly decrease the space between all systems, so that the cumulative effect is to create just enough room for another system on each page. You can also specify the number of systems on a page by using the Space Systems Evenly command (see To specify a number of systems on each page).

Overall adjustments

  • Page margins. While narrowing page margins is a quick way of increasing the amount of available space on a page, other considerations apply. Will the sheet music be bound, stapled, or hole-punched? Will the performer need room in the margins to make notes?
  • Reduction/enlargement. You may find that a reduction of even a percentage point or two is just enough to fit another measure per line, or another system per page (see Reducing/Enlarging).
Finale 2014

Tip: In general, determining a document's page layout should be one of the final tasks of music preparation. For a recommended generic workflow, see Best practices: Order of entry.

Understanding system margins, staff height/position, and scaling

Distance settings for pages, systems, and staves work together to determine the vertical layout of a document. The process relies upon an understanding of distances, margins, systems, and reducing/enlarging, and will differ between individual documents and situations. In other words, it is a considerable element of the art of engraving.

Finale's method of scaling systems is a product of staff height and a separate scaling ratio that you can specify; these settings can be controlled in the Resize Staff System dialog box or Page Format for Score dialog box/Page Format for Parts dialog box. Staff height is compared to a default ('absolute') staff height of 96 EVPUs (.3333 inches or .8467 cm; see Equivalents). For example, a default document has an automatic staff height of 82 EVPUs, resulting in a system scaling of approximately 85% (82 ÷ 96). If you were to additionally specify an 88% scaling ratio, the resulting system scaling would be 75% (85% × 88%).

Use the following as a general guide for vertical layout.

SettingControlled byAffects
Top margin (page)Page Format for Score dialog boxAll pages (on redefined pages) in score
Page Format for Parts dialog boxAll pages (on redefined pages) in linked parts
Edit Page Margins dialog boxSpecified page(s); updates Page Format dialog box
Page Layout tool Dragging affects single page; updates Page Format dialog box
Distance from top (first system)Page Format for Score dialog boxFirst system only (when redefined) in score
Page Format for Parts dialog boxFirst system only (when redefined) in linked parts
Edit System Margins dialog boxDistance between systems for System 1 updates Page Format dialog box Distance from top
Page Layout tool Dragging does not update Page Format dialog box
Top margin (system)Page Format for Score dialog boxAll systems (on redefined pages) in score
Page Format for Parts dialog boxAll systems (on redefined pages) in linked parts
Edit System Margins dialog boxSpecified system(s); updates Page Format dialog box
Page Layout tool Dragging affects selected system(s); updates Page Format dialog box
Staff tool Dragging top staff of first system updates Edit System Margins dialog box
Top staff positionRespace Staves dialog boxTop staff of selected systems (see also Space above each selected staff below); updates Staff Usage dialog box
Staff Usage List dialog boxSelected staff (see Distance from top of previous staff below)
Space above each selected staff (topline to topline distance)
Distance from top of previous staff
Respace Staves dialog boxAll selected staves except top staff; updates Staff Usage dialog box
Staff Usage List dialog boxSelected staff
Staff tool Dragging affects topmost staff of selected staves; updates Staff Usage dialog box
Staff heightPage Format for Score dialog boxAll staves (on redefined pages) in score
Page Format for Parts dialog boxAll staves (on redefined pages) in linked parts
Resize Staff System dialog boxAll staves in specified systems; updates Page Format dialog box
Bottom margin (system)Page Format for Score dialog boxAll systems (on redefined pages) in score
Page Format for Parts dialog boxAll systems (on redefined pages) in linked parts
Edit System Margins dialog boxSpecified system(s); updates Page Format dialog box
Page Layout tool Dragging affects selected system(s); updates Page Format dialog box
Distance between systemsPage Format for Score dialog boxAll systems (on redefined pages) in score
Page Format for Parts dialog boxAll systems (on redefined pages) in linked parts
Edit System Margins dialog boxSpecified systems; see also Distance from top (first system) above
Page Layout tool Dragging affects topmost system of selected systems
Staff tool Dragging top staff of all but first system updates Edit System Margins dialog box
[Available space]Remainder of vertical space above bottom page marginN/A
Bottom margin (page)Page Format for Score dialog boxAll pages (on redefined pages) in score
Page Format for Parts dialog boxAll pages (on redefined pages) in linked parts
Edit Page Margins dialog boxSpecified page(s); updates Page Format dialog box
Page Layout tool Dragging affects single page; updates Page Format dialog box

For details on printing large scores that require taping several printed pages together into composite pages, see To print large scores by taping smaller pages together (tiling pages).

Noteman says: To change the vertical spacing of systems on any number of individual pages, use the Space Systems plug-in.

  1. Choose the Page Layout tool . Dotted-line margins appear around each system.
  2. Choose Page Layout > Systems > Edit Margins. The Edit System Margins dialog box appears.
  3. Select Distance Between Systems and deselect all other options.
  4. In the Distance Between Systems text box, enter a new value. The units are whatever you've selected under Edit > Measurement Units.

    If you prefer, you can click within any system and drag instead of typing numbers. Note that Finale initially won’t let you enter negative values, so that a system overlaps the system above it. If you really want to create this cluttered effect, deselect Page Layout > Avoid Margin Collisions.

  5. Under Change, click All.
  6. Click Apply. You’ve just changed the amount of space between every system in the piece.

    This may also have changed the number of systems able to fit on a page. (The Bottom text box governs the amount of extra space below each system.)

  1. Choose the Page Layout tool . Dotted-line margins appear around each system.
  2. Choose Page Layout > Space Systems Evenly. The Space Systems Evenly dialog box appears.
  3. Under Space Systems Evenly On, specify the desired page(s), or choose All Pages to include the entire document.
  4. Select Place ___ Systems on Each Page and enter the number of systems you want to place on the selected pages.
  5. Click OK. Pages in the specified region will appear with the number of systems you entered.

    If the number of systems on the pages specified does not change, you will need to edit the system margins or reduction so the number of systems you choose will fit on the page. See To change the page layout and To reduce or enlarge a system.

  1. Choose the Page Layout tool .
  2. Move to the page you want to change. If you want to change the page layout of all pages at once, it doesn’t matter which page you’re on.

    If you’re unsure about your changes, or you don’t want your changes to affect your settings in the Page Format for Score dialog box, make sure to first deselect Page Layout > Update Page Format for Score.

  3. If you want to change the Page Size, choose Page Layout > Page Size. The Page Size dialog box appears.
  4. Choose the page size from the drop-down menu or enter values using the currently selected measurement units.
  5. Choose Landscape or Portrait.

    This setting affects how Finale lays out the page. Printing settings are set in the Page Setup dialog box.

  6. Select the range of pages you want to affect. Page 1 is a Right page.
  7. Click OK.
  8. If you want to change the page margins, first set the range of the pages to affect from Page Layout > Page Margins.
  9. Drag the handles at the edge of the page margins. You can also enter values directly into the number boxes of the Edit Page Margins dialog box.
  10. If you want to reposition or respace a staff system on the page, drag from the middle of the system.

    Note that while Page Layout > Avoid Margin Collisions is selected, Finale won’t let you drag one system on top of another one. CTRL+drag to prevent other systems from moving.

  11. If you want to respace the staff systems evenly across the page, choose Page Layout > Space Systems Evenly. See Space Systems Evenly dialog box.
  12. If you want to insert a page break, select a system handle, then choose Page Layout > Insert Page Break.
  13. If you want to indent or resize a system, drag a handle. Each system appears bounded by a dotted line. To indent a system, drag its upper-left handle. Instead of dragging, you can enter values directly into the number boxes. See Edit System Margins dialog box for more information.

    When you’re using the Page Layout tool, you’ll notice a boldface number to the right of each system. The numbers on the systems (the first system is number 1) help you identify each system, so you’ll be aware if the system layout has shifted.

  14. To edit another page, use the arrows at the bottom of the document window to move the next or previous page.
  15. Choose Utilities > Update Layout.

Noteman says: The changes you’ll be making in these instructions establish the page layout for pages yet to be created. To apply them to existing pages, see the final two steps below.

  1. Choose Document > Page Format > Score. The Page Format for Score dialog box appears.
  2. Enter new values in the text boxes. The units are whatever you’ve selected in the Unitsdrop-down menu.
    • The Page Size numbers specify the default page dimensions.
    • The Page Margin numbers are the distances from the edge of the page; thus, if the page size changes, the margins remain the same distance from the page edge. In these text boxes, all numbers are positive and measure an absolute change from the page edge.
    • The System Margin numbers define the placement and shape of the individual systems.
    • The Right and Left margins are the distances from the edge of the system to the right and left page margins, respectively (both are usually zero); the Top margin is the distance between the top staff of each system and any extra space for ledger lines or other symbols which normally appear above the staff; and the Bottom margin measures the distance between the bottom staff of one system and any extra space for ledger lines or other symbols which normally appear below the staff.
    • The last measurement is Distance Between Systems.
  3. Click OK (or press ENTER). The changes you’ve made will affect only new pages added to the piece by Finale. If you want to apply the changes to existing pages:
    • To apply the new page layout to one existing page, choose the Page Layout tool , go to the page you want to edit, and choose Page Layout > Redefine Pages > Current Page.
    • To apply the new page layout to all existing pages, choose the Page Layout tool and choose Page Layout > Redefine Pages > All Pages.

The fact that there are two places to make page layout changes—the Page Layout tool and the Page Format for Score dialog box—gives you some extra flexibility. Suppose you need to format a score with right and left facing pages that are formatted differently, and have different margin requirements. Using this system, you can apply a secondary page layout to specified pages (just the odd-numbered pages, for example).

  1. Create the primary page layout in the usual way. Either enter numbers into the Page Format for Score dialog box and then choose Page Layout > Redefine Pages > All Pages, or see To change the page layout.
  2. Choose Document > Page Format > Score. The Page Format for Score dialog box appears.
  3. Enter the numbers that define the secondary page layout. For help in interpreting the various measurement boxes in this dialog box, see To change the default page layout (Page Format for Score dialog box), above.
  4. Click OK (or press ENTER).
  5. Choose the Page Layout tool .
  6. Go to the first of the pages you want to change. Choose Page Layout > Redefine Pages > Left Pages, Right Pages, Selected Pages, to give a second layout to certain pages.

Noteman says: If you plan to print on any size paper larger than 8.5 by 14 inches, see Printing for special instructions. For other instructions on mixing and matching page size layouts, and a more complete discussion of page layout, see Page layout.

You can also change the page size directly from the Page Layout menu.

Download Finale 2014 Free Full Version

  1. Choose the Page Layout tool . The Page Layout menu appears.
  2. Choose Page Layout > Page Size.The Page Size dialog box appears.
  3. Choose the page size from the drop-down menu or enter values using the currently selected measurement units.
  4. Choose Landscape or Portrait. This setting affects how Finale lays out the page.
  5. Choose Change > All Pages.
  6. Click OK.

There are some advantages to including multiple movements in the same document. You may, for example, want a new movement to begin in the middle of the page in your liked parts. Or, you may just want to keep your movements consolidated for organization purposes. In Finale, each movement in a multiple-movement score may have its own title/page text, page layout, and instrumentation.

  1. Use the Staff tool and Page Layout tool to finalize the general page layout, staff spacing, and measure layout of the first movement.

    Usually, the new movement begins at the top of a page of the full score, so ensure the first measure of the new movement is the first measure on the page. Next, you will lock the first measure to the beginning of the system, then set the system to remain the first on the page. Also, you will likely want to display the full group names at the beginning of every movement.

  2. Choose the Measure tool and double-click the first measure. The Measure Attributes dialog box appears.
  3. Choose Behavior > Begin a New Staff System and Show Full Staff & Group Names. Click OK.
  4. Choose the Page Layout tool and select the handle on the upper left corner of the first system of the new movement.
  5. Choose Page Layout > Insert Page Break.
  6. Edit the system margins of the first page of the new movement as desired.
  7. To add title text, choose the Expression tool . Double-click above the top staff. The Expression Selection dialog box appears. Choose the Tempo Marks category on the left.

    In order for the title of this movement to appear in all the parts, you need to create a Score ListScore lists are applied to expressions that apply to the full score including tempo marks, tempo alterations, and rehearsal marks. They indicate the staves on which these expressions should appear and can be edited in the Category Designer dialog box. expression.

  8. Click Create Tempo Mark, then enter the title of the movement. Edit the font, size, and style as desired. See Text Expression Designer dialog box for details.
  9. Click OK and then Assign to add the expression. Click its handle and drag it into place.
  10. To adjust measure numbering, see Measure numbers.

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